02 交通(5 / 12)

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  6. we can see more beautiful sceneries along the trip by bus than by train.
  owen went to beijing on business. he just came out from the airport.
  owen: hi, taxi!
  driver: yes, sir. where to?
  owen: pacific building, please.
  driver: ok, no problem.
  (on the taxi)
  owen: excuse me, what's the screen on the back of the seat for?
  driver: it's a portable multimedia. it's a popular thing now.
  owen: oh, that's new to me. so what's on everyday?
  driver: it's mainly about current affairs, music, food and travel information and so on.
  owen: it is very useful, i think.
  driver: yes, there is something good and informative. i think that many people begin to realize the value of public media.
  owen: sure it is.
  欧文:确实是这样。 ↑返回顶部↑
