02 喜怒哀乐(7 / 15)

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  david's company is going to organize a visit to the disneyland in hong kong.
  david: the stuff in my office will pay a visit to the disneyland in hong kong. i can't be happier.
  grace: wow, it's a wonderful amusement park. i have been yearning for there for a very long time. when will you set out?
  david: on friday afternoon. the flight will leave on 3 o'clock that day. i can't wait to get there now.
  grace: is this your boss's idea?
  david: yes, our team has gained a substantial profit successively in the last months, and we all feel exhausted and need to have a good rest. so the boss came up with this great idea.
  grace: excellent, you and your team deserve a good fun for the value you have created.
  david: thanks for your saying. it's good to strike a proper balance between work and rest.
  grace: is it admittable to join the travel as your friend? i'm eager to go there, too.
  david: sorry, it is just an activity held within our team, but taking family members is permitted.
  grace: and how about i act as your girlfriend to go there?
  david: come on, you got to be kidding me.i think you will have a chance in the future.
  1. amusement [??mju:zm?nt] adj. 娱乐,乐趣;娱乐活动,文娱活动
  2. yearn [j?:n] v. 渴盼,切盼,向往 ↑返回顶部↑
