02 喜怒哀乐(6 / 15)

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  ann: i can't wait to take a ride outside with the car. let's go to the center mall to buy something, ok?
  simon: no problem, honey. and you have a new mission from today.
  ann: what is it?
  simon: to get a driving license.
  1. unusual [?n?ju:?u?l] adj. 罕有的,异乎寻常的,独特的;与众不同的
  2. belong [bi?l??] v. 属于,是……的成员;应被放在,应归入;适应,合得来
  3. annual [??nju?l] adj. 年度的,一年一次的;n. 一年生植物;年刊,年报,年鉴
  4. annual model worker 年度劳动模范
  5. bonus [?b?un?s] n. 奖金,红利;额外令人高兴的事情
  6. hesitation [?hezi?tei??n] n. 犹豫,踌躇
  7. take a ride 兜风
  8. driving license 驾驶执照
  1. get a kick out of 感到愉快,使兴奋
  he gets a kick out of funny movies.
  2. make one's spine tingle 使大为激动
  having got the yearning sports car at last makes his spine tingle.
  3. be in a flap 在激动中,慌作一团
  the audiences are still in a flap though his speech has ended for an hour.
  4. be going nuts 激动得不得了
  the fans are going nuts. their team just won the game. ↑返回顶部↑
