03 购物地点(4 / 9)

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  brown: yes, i'd like to buy some souvenirs with chinese feature. can you give me some suggestions?
  seller: sure, sir. what do you think of something closely related to the chinese ancient civilization? there are many antiques and chinese paintings here.
  brown: good idea.
  seller: i recommend you “the four treasures of study” then.
  brown: i like some artworks with chinese culture better. that vase is elegant, i think.
  seller: yes, the vase is made in jingdezhen, a very famous brand all over the world.
  brown: can you take it to me to have a look?
  seller: yes, sir, but please be careful when you hold this. chinaware is fragile.
  brown: how can i take it to my home? i'm worrying that it would break into pieces.
  seller: don't worry, sir. we'll send it directly to your house if you buy it.
  1. souvenir [?su:v?ni?] n. 纪念品
  2. ancient [?ein??nt] adj. 古代的,古老的;年老的,老式的
  3. civilization [?sivilai?zei??n] n. 文明,文化
  4. antique [?n?ti:k] adj. 古时制造的,古董的;古代的;n. 古玩,古董,古物
  5. artwork [?ɑ:tw?:k] n.(书, 杂志等的)插图;艺术作品,美术作品
  6. elegant [?elig?nt] adj. 精美的,优美的;文雅的,讲究的;简洁的
  7. fragile [?fr?d?ail] adj. 易碎的,脆的;脆弱的,经不起折腾的
  8. chinaware [?t?ain?w??] n. 陶瓷器 ↑返回顶部↑
