02 体育锻炼(14 / 14)

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  parkour, sometimes called free running, is an urban sport focusing on surpassing all obstacles in one's path as smoothly and fast as possible using just the body. originated in france in the 1980s, the sport is now gaining popularity among young chinese enthusiasts. in parkour, the whole city is the gym. the bridges, buildings and railings are the equipment. the goal is a direct route from one place to another. you see an obstacle, you overcome it. today there are at least 100 000 people participating in the sport in china, according to an estimate by the chinese extreme sports association.
  跑酷,有时又被称作自由奔跑,是一项城市体育项目。它指的是仅仅借助身体的力量用最快的速度顺利地通过路上的所有障碍。跑酷诞生于20世纪80年代的法国,如今这项运动吸引了越来越多的中国爱好者。在跑酷运动中,整座城市就是一个大的健身房,桥梁、建筑物、栏杆等都算作是健身设备。你的目标就是用最省力最直接的方法到达目的地。看见障碍,就越过去。据中国极限运动协会统计,目前,在中国至少有10万跑酷族。 ↑返回顶部↑
