墨九爷的小娇妻(重生) 第33节(2 / 4)

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  詹姆斯也不知道为何a国何时如何开放了,只得实事求是的说道:these are just the information provided by jian hai, but according to them, she is a gambling place where women disguise themselves as men, and she has not shown her true face. few people in the world know whether the gambling god is a man or a woman!
  詹姆斯-亚更加疑惑了:since it's so difficult to find out, even i haven't got any information about her. how did jian hai find out?
  约翰将知道的所有都告知了詹姆斯-亚,甚至将里面的利弊也分析了:well, it's because we also have a partner in country a, hezixuan, who is jiang 11's ex boyfriend and also jiang 11's enemy. he once hated jiang 11 for her many humiliations. as jiang 11's ex boyfriend, hezixuan is also the person who knows her best. i believe this information will never go wrong. after all, hezixuan wants to eradicate jiang 11 first and then quickly. he will not pass on false information to us if he has the courage to bear the anger of the james family, then it's another time to say nothing.
  if so, this man named hezixuan is still credible. the god of gamblers is back in country d. i believe that there must be many celebrities in the world who pay attention to the god of gamblers, which will certainly cause an uproar. that is also very easy for us to check. since the partners have given such great sincerity, we must not let him down. go and transfer my 300 private killers. this time i will let her have a chance to come back and let her understand that she is with me zhan what is the result of the ms ya confrontation! 对自己家族能力相当自信的詹姆斯-亚毫无疑问的选择了相信贺子轩的话,也下了相关的命令。
  约翰犹如得到了多么重大的命令,眼底一片凝重与狠厉: yes, master, i will certainly live up to your expectations, and i will certainly take jiang yiyi one by one
  揉了揉紧皱的眉头,挥手说道:go down, and you will be rewarded for doing this well!
  第70章 借刀杀人2
  约翰将昨晚詹姆斯-亚吩咐的事情告知于她:master, i gathered all your 300 killers last night. as long as you give an order, we can immediately gather people to kill them.
  詹姆斯-亚总算是遇到了一件值得高兴的事儿了:john, you did a good job and deserve praise. by the way, do you know if the god of gamblers has any intention of coming back in country d? since we are ready, if the news is false, we are ready for nothing?
  my lord, i came here so early this morning for this matter. there is nothing wrong with jian hai's news. the god of gambler gun really wants to come back here. in addition, i have also got the accurate information about the location of the god of gambler gun participating in the gambling game and the location of the killer. i have arranged it. i believe that this time gun will never come back!约翰胜券在握的模样,让詹姆斯-亚颇为满意,不得不称赞自己属下能力超群。
  满意的神色充满了詹姆斯-亚的脸色:very good. listen to me in the evening. go down!
  john, is the gambling game about to begin? today, i was beaten like this by hackers because of this cheap woman. i want to make her dead and die in a foreign land. ha ha ha ~詹姆斯接近癫狂的大笑着。
  约翰的脸上充满着担心,还是在好言好语的相劝着自家家主,希望她不要大喜大悲的:my lord, you are too badly injured to have great sorrow and happiness. i hope you can take good care of your injury. don't worry. this plan is well planned and will definitely make her unable to escape.停歇了片刻又继续说道:the god of gamblers' opening time this time is 11:00 p.m., and now it is only half an hour away from the opening time. are you waiting for my good news at your residence, or do you want to go with me?
  “家主,您伤势过重,不宜大悲大乐,还望您好好养伤,您放心,此次计划周密,绝对会让她插翅难逃。” ↑返回顶部↑
