Lesson 02 接见客户(1 / 2)

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  lesson 02 接见客户
  reception of clients
  01 thank you for your coming.
  thanks for your coming. / thank you for your visit. / thank you for coming all this way.
  02 please have a seat and wait a few moments.
  please take a seat and wait for a minute. / please have a seat and wait a second.
  03 i am here to pick you up.
  词组释义 pick sb up去接某人
  04 how was your journey?
  类似表达 did you enjoy your journey? / did you have a pleasant journey?
  05 we have something important to consult with your boss.
  词组释义 consult with 商议,商量,磋商
  06 you've had a long flight.
  注意事项 这句话可以用作接见客户时的寒暄用语。
  07 let me help with the luggage.
  类似表达 let me take the luggage for you. / let me carry the luggage for you.
  08 do you have an appointment, please?
  单词释义 appointment [??p??ntm?nt] n. 约会,预约,任命,职务
  09 i'll see if he could meet you right now.
  我去看看他现在能不能马上见您。 ↑返回顶部↑
