02 科学技术(2 / 7)

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  i believe apple's brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. and i look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.
  ——steven jobs
  dan meets across kent in a street.
  kent: what did you do at your weekend?
  dan: i watched a movie last night, really exciting. the title is the sixth day.
  kent: the sixth day? who's the starring? what's the plot?
  dan: the hero is acted by schwarzenegger. it is mainly about the problems caused by clone technology.
  kent: it must be very cool and fantastic. i really love this muscle man. was schwarzenegger be cloned?
  dan: you are right. he found a man in his house who was the same with him one evening. then he was confused and tried to dig this out.
  kent: did he kill the clone man in the end?
  dan: no, they became friends at last and they punished the wicked scientist together.
  kent: clone is really a complicated thing. i think i will be threatened to death if another myself stand in front of me.
  dan: then the world will be totally in a mass. we can't distinguish who is the original one. it is really absurd.
  kent: i also think so. it is against the law of natural reproduction. ↑返回顶部↑
