04 销售服务(4 / 5)

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  6. you can call this number if you need a repairing service.
  the high-heel shoes emily just bought have been worn out.
  emily: the high-heel shoes have been worn out. the heel of the left shoe was broken.
  seller: i'm sorry, madam. how long have you kept this pair of shoes from here?
  emily: about one week.
  seller: ok, according to the guarantee, we'll check it for a few minutes. if it is caused by the quality, we'll change a new pair for you.
  emily: the quality is too poor. i have just worn them for a few days.
  seller: from the feedback of selling, there are few chances for such kind of thing happening. we are deeply sorry for it this time.
  emily: what if it happens again?
  seller: we can guarantee that it won't happen again, madam.
  emily: i mean just in case?
  seller: then we will return your money back, madam. but we will try our best to make you satisfied this time.
  emily: ok, i trust you.
  1. heel [hi:l] n. 足跟,踵部,后跟;v.(使)倾斜 ↑返回顶部↑
