第82节(1 / 4)

投票推荐 加入书签 留言反馈

  “what you see are the bad bad,bad memories take your time and you'□□ind me……”
  i see your monsters i see your pain
  tell me your problems i'll chase them away
  让我分担你的忧虑 我会安抚好你
  i'll be your lighthouse i'll make it okay
  我会是你的灯塔 我会让你安然无恙
  when i see your monsters i'll stand there so brave
  当我看到隐藏于你心底的恶魔 我会为你挺身而出
  and chase them all away
  i'll chase them all away
  you've got the chance to see the light
  even in the darkest night
  and i'll be here like you were for me
  我会一直陪着你 就像你曾经守护着我一样
  so just let me in
  所以 让我走进你的心里吧 ↑返回顶部↑
